Tortellini with yellow sauce

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Difficulty: easy

Ingredients (per 3-4 servings):


The sauce does not need to be cooked. In a bowl put the butter knob, the ricotta, the saffron and the lemon zest and pour two/three spoons of the Tortellini cooking water, mixing carefully until the warm sauce is mixed. After cooking the Tortellini, pour them in the bowl and mix gently.

Cooking suggestions:

Pour the Tortellini/Ravioli into slightly salted water (2.5 liters of water and 25 g of salt per 250 g of product) just before it starts boiling. Cook for about 14 minutes. Drain slowly and add the dressing, preferably by sautéing it in a pan for a couple of minutes, until you reach the desired consistency.